
Emmanuel Macron wants to deal with “anti-Semitism in French schools.”

CBC News, citing Macron’s office, reported that on Wednesday (19th of July), the French President asked the Minister of Education, Nicole Blobet, to teach all schools about the fight against anti-Semitism and racism in order to prevent the penetration of hateful words that have serious consequences. Schools should start discussions.

Macron’s request was made after 3 teenagers raped a 12-year-old Jewish girl in the suburbs of Paris.

It is said that 3 teenagers have been arrested in connection with this rape.

Nanter city court office has said that this person made anti-Semitic insults to this girl during gang rape.

On Tuesday evening, hundreds of people in front the Paris Municipality gathered and chanted “Encroachment on

“She is anti-Semitic because she is Jewish “protest.

Based on French media reports of events “Anti-Semitism in France since the start of the Gaza war It has increased on October 7 last year the opposition paries of this country criticize that ” Anti-Semitism is not taken seriously in France.

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