
Kazemi Qomi: America is the main reason for the migration of Afghans to Iran.

Hassan Kazemi Qomi, Iran’s ambassador and special representative in Kabul, says that more than six million Afghan immigrants live in that country.


Qami made these statements in an interview with Student News Agency, which was published on Saturday, 5th of August.


He named the US as the cause of the migration of Afghans to Iran and added We must create conditions in Afghanistan so that some of these immigrants return to their country.


Qomi added An important part of the Afghan workforce and elites who have studied in Iran and live here, can return to their country and play key roles.


This is while Ahmad Vahidi, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Iran criticized the presence of illegal immigrants and asylum seekers in this country and said that they should return to their countries.


After the Islamic Emirate regained control, the citizens of the country go to neighboring countries, especially Iran, every day using legal and illegal routes.

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