
The continuation of America’s crazy attacks on different areas of northern Yemen

Based on international media reports, in the continuation of the US aggression against Yemen in support of the Zionist occupation regime, the fighters of this country bombarded the northern areas of Yemen several times in the early hours of the morning on Wednesday 19th of March.

Yemen’s al-Masirah network reported four US airstrikes in Al-Asayed area in Al-Safra district in Saada province, as well as in Hais area in Midi district in Hajjah province, Takhiya district in Majz district in Saada province in northern Yemen.

According to these reports, civilian installations in these provinces have been targeted by the US several times.

The intense American air and missile attacks on Yemen started on the morning of Sunday, 16th of March, which is considered the heaviest American attack on Yemen, and according to the Ministry of Public Health of Yemen, 53 martyrs, including 5 children and two women, were killed in that attack, and 98 people, including 18 women and children, were injured.

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