The achievement of Chinese researchers is to make a nuclear battery that can last for 100 years
The researchers of Northwest Normal University in Gansu, China have made a nuclear battery from radioactive carbon for the first time in this country, which can work for up to 100 years. This battery is capable of supplying energy to devices and is used in remote places from deep sea to space.
Carbon has 3 isotopes in nature, carbon-12 is the most common isotope, which constitutes 99.8% of the total carbon in the earth, which carbon-13 includes about one percent of carbon, but carbon-14 is a very rare isotope and only one is found in every billion carbon atoms.
The radioactive decay of carbon-14 is weak and its half-life is 5730 years; Using semiconductors made of silicon and carbon, the researchers made a nuclear battery that produces an output power of 433 nanowatts. This research team was able to keep the LED light on for more than 4 months. During this period, it has produced more than 35 thousand light pulses.