
The key points of the president’s speech without elections in Syria after the conflicts in Latakia

Syria is one and unified from east to west and from north to south, if any damage occurs to a province in Syria, other provinces will gather to support and respect it.

Today in Syria, everything concerns everyone and is important for everyone. There is no fear for a country that has such people and such a spirit.

I say to the survivors of the Assad regime that we fought them in the battle of liberation despite their desire to kill us, we want to fix the country you destroyed and we have no interest in your blood.

We will prosecute those who committed crimes against the Syrian people and bring them to a fair court.

We will continue to restrict weapons to government forces, and anyone who attacks civilians will be held to account.

Our people in the coast and conflict areas are an important part of our country and our duty is to protect them; Despite the betrayal that has been done to us, the government will remain the guarantor of civil peace and we will not allow it to break the peace in any way.

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