
Moscow is ready to use nuclear weapons if there is a threat to Russia’s existence.

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that if the sovereignty of his country is threatened, Moscow is ready to use nuclear weapons; These statements of Vladimir Putin were made today, Wednesday 13rd of March during an interview with Dmitry Kislev, the director of the Russian Rossiya and Novosti channels.

Vladimir Putin said he does not think there is a rush to go to a nuclear confrontation, but Moscow is ready for it.

The Russian president emphasized that Moscow is technically ready to use nuclear weapons.

Putin said that if the US deploys its forces in Russia or Ukraine, Moscow will consider it as interference.

He stated that the use of nuclear weapons is explained in the Kremlin’s nuclear doctrine and specifies the conditions under which Moscow may use these weapons.

He also said that if the US tests uclear do Russia may also hand take the same action.

The President of Russia added that there is no need for the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine

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