
The new Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine was introduced

Andriy Sibiha was appointed as the new Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine with the approval of the Ukrainian Parliament.

Ukrainian lawmakers voted on Thursday (September 5) to appoint new ministers, including a foreign minister and two deputy prime ministers, signing off on the biggest reshuffle of President Volodymyr Zelensky’s government since Russia invaded in 2022, Reuters reported. have done

It should be mentioned that Sibiha was previously the deputy head of Zelenskiy’s office and was promoted to the position of Deputy Prime Minister of Foreign Affairs in April.

Meanwhile, according to the Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament Alexander Kamishin, Minister of Strategic Industries Denis Malyvska, Minister of

Adlia and Ruslan Strelits, Minister of Environment Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, have submitted their resignations and their request will be reviewed by the members of parliament soon.

This is despite the fact that Dmytro Kolba resigned from the position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine yesterday.

This high-level political change coincides with the escalation of conflicts in eastern Ukraine.

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